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Hello World

·80 words·1 min·
Test List Code

This is little more than a pile of lorum ipsum at this point.

If you are reading this then I have:

  1. Got Hugo installed and building
  2. Got the Blowfish theme installed
  3. Git Hub Pages are working and serving stuff up
  4. DNS is properly configured.
  5. Publish to Git Hub is working
  6. Cloudflare is configured
  7. Google Tag Manager is working
  8. Google Search indexing is working
  9. BlueSky account is working and the link to BLuesky is also working

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Chief Horticulturist
Chief Horticulturist
This site is a collection of my thoughts on a variety of topics. My thoughts and opinions are mine alone. If you like them, take them as your own. Information should be free